MSUB Tour Student Comments

“I thought it was OK. The college was OK because they didn't take us to all the places I wanted to see. Also, where they did take us I practically already knew. Finally, they still let us talk and the guide didn't talk a lot. That is why I thought it was okay.”
                                                                                                                        Stephen Stogians

“I thought the college tour was okay and educational. I thought it was cool to see where we will be staying in college dorms. Also, where we learn and where we can study and relax and get food from the food place. I would like to go to school there and be on campus close to my classrooms. I like the way things are set up there and ran. I also, like how they have many sports and places for you to exercise and swim.” 

                                                                                                                        Kayla Smith
“I liked the MSUB Collage. I liked how the older educational system works. I liked the layouts of the dorm rooms. I really liked the college gym and basketball court. I also liked the sports opportunities as well.”

                                                                                                                        Max Sheehan

“I thought the college tour was okay. It was fun, but they only showed us the outside of everything. We didn't really get to go inside of any classes. I think our guide explained everything but we didn't get the inside look I hope one day I will get to know more about the college other than the halls.”

                                                                                                                        Emmy Hart

“I thought it was a great experience for me, and I was a little disappointed when we left. I thought that the tour of science needed to give more facts about all of the things we were learning, or looking at. I thought they needed to show us around a little more, too, but all around it was a great experience.”

                                                                                                                             Tre` Scherer

“MSUB was a poor tour; I wouldn't want to take it again. The tourist didn't show us anything about what we would study. They just showed us some rooms with hardly any relevance. The guides hardly knew anything about the school and avoided questions. To sum up this tour, it was very poor and they needed to talk about the classes more.”
                                                                                                                          Parker Gunderson

“I went to the MSUB College. It was fun and I learned a lot of stuff there. It seems like it might be the college I might want to go to. The dorms are nice and it seems like a really nice campus for education, I would like to go there.”

                                                                                                                         Greg Mims

“I thought the MSUB tour was fun. Why? Because we got see the collage life we got walk around and not have to be in school. My last reason is because I got to talk to friends.”

                                                                                                                        Caleob Bixby

“We went to M.S.U.B collage tour and I thought it was great experience. There were many things that I didn’t know and many things to see”

                                                                                                                        Aspen Livingston

“The College was interesting because it looked fun with some classes. The library is a party room and the art hall was really cool. I got to see many people doing something they love. The gym was very cool; it’s a place to talk to friends.”

                                                                                                                     Chance Schreier

“The college tour was cool and interesting. It was cool because of the technology they had. It was interesting because of all the different classes and degrees that were there. The media part was astounding. Overall, this was a very cool experience.”

                                                                                                                         Ian Leatherberry

“I thought visiting the college was fun. It was fun because I got to see what the campus looked like. I also got to see what to look forward to in the future. I thought the gym and the classrooms were cool. The colleges made me want to get better grades for college.”

                                                                                                                        April Zimmerman

“The college tour to MSUB was alright. It was boring when we just walked around outside. Our tour guide was kind of mean too. It was fun when we got to go into the buildings. The doors were cool! My favorite part was the gym and the fitness center. That’s what I thought about the college tour.”

                                                                                                                        Mariah Anderson

“I thought of the college tour was short and not fun. The college tour was not fun because the tour guide was fast. Also it was not fun because of cramped space and no hands on activates. I would rather go on a different tour with hands on activates and a lot of time to tour. Plus the walking off when I was in the bathroom was bad”              

Talya McCallum

“I thought the college tour was fun/ okay because I found out some really cool classes. I thought they needed to explain more though.”

                                                                                                                        Alexa Winchell

“The MSUB tour was very boring. The tour guide told us very little about the areas. The tour guide also didn’t say much. The tour was short and that’s what I thought about the tour.”

                                                                                                                        Michael Wilks

“I went to MSUB. It was fun. We got to see the dorms, the gym, library, and the places to eat. I found out that the college had its own baseball team. I want to become a zoologist so I asked if they had any classes on that, but they only had biology. They found me an elevator whenever we switched floors. Overall, I loved the tour; I would love to tour it again.”

                                                                                                                        Delaney Watson

“I thought the MSUB tour was terrible. Our tour guide had no expression. The dorm rooms were too small. Third it was too off hands for me. Overall I just didn’t like MSUB.”

                                                                                                                        Elijah Slaughter

“I liked the MSUB college. I like how the older education systems work. I liked the layout of the dorm rooms. I really liked the college gym and basketball court, I also liked the sports opportunities as well.”                 
                                                                                                                        Max Sheehan

“I thought the college tour was okay. It was fun, but they only showed us the outside of everything. We didn’t really get to go inside of any classes. I thought the tour guide explained everything but we didn’t get to go inside of anything and look. I hope one day I will get to know more about the college other then the halls.”

                                                                                                                        Emmy Hart

“I thought the college tour was okay and educational. I thought it was cool to see where we will be staying in a college dorm. Also where we learn and where we can study and relax and get food from the food place. I would like to go to school there and be on campus to my classrooms. I like the way things are set up there and ran. I also like how they have many sports and places to exercise and swim.”

                                                                                                                        Kayla smith

“I thought the college was the best tour. The only this is, I wanted to see the science lab. The dorm rooms were really small but nice. I really like the gym there, it was nice.”

                                                                                                                        Tyler Shull

“I liked the college tour I learned a lot of things I didn’t know much about, such as the sports section and how you pay for the weight room equipment, classes, and the dorms. MSUB does have payment plans I’m looking into but I don’t really think I am going to go there.”

                                                                                                                        Kimberli Van Atta

“MSUB was cool because the dorm rooms and all the stuff. I liked the dorm rooms because I thought they would be extremely small, but they weren’t.”

                                                                                                                        Tyler Salveson 

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