Career Center Tour Student Comments

“The Career Center was boring. It was boring because the guide just talked a lot. What he knew and didn't let the teachers or students talk much. Also, they didn't let us ask questions to the teachers. Finally, he wasn't encouraging or exciting. That is why I thought it was boring.”

                                                                                                            Stephen Stogians

“I like the Career Center because you can learn how to handle kids and help others. One reason I like the Career Center is you can get ready for a medical degree so you can be ready for all kinds of thing like blood or surgeries. Another reason is you can help little four and five year olds out by preparing food or by tying there shoes for them. Another reason I like the Career Center there are a variety of classes you can take. In conclusion I think there are a lot of things you can learn and do.”

                                                                                                             Ethan Ruff

“I really liked the Career Center tour! I thought it was good to see where some of us will be in just a couple years. I can’t wait to go and learn about their courses. They have great rooms to learn in and just hangout in. They also described some projects I can’t wait to learn and try perfecting at and how they have fun while doing it.”

                                                                                                             Kayla Smith

“My thoughts on the tour of the Career Center are that it was very interesting in my opinion. I like how they had different class options. What interested me most is the photography and drawing classes. The Early Childhood Development class also interested me. Those are my thoughts on the Career Center.”

                                                                                                             Rachel Mehling

“I think the Career Center was interesting. They showed many opportunities for future classes. It could help determine your future job or college. I really enjoyed looking at the graphics designing and the automobile program. I would like to go there in the future.”

                                                                                                              Max Sheehan

“I thought the tour of the Career Center was amazing. We got to go inside classrooms. We got to meet the teachers and they explained a lot about the class. They were very nice. I liked how the tour went because we learned more about how the classes worked.”

                                                                                                                Emmy Hart

“There were many things I thought of the Career Center. First of all, I found it an awesome place to go and learn about new things and careers. Next I thought the Career Center was a place I wanted to be a lot and take classes of engineering, mechanics, science, math, and electronics. Lastly, I was kind of surprised to see the different classes, rooms, and careers you could be a part of. These are some of the thoughts I had about the Career Center.”

                                                                                                                  Corbin Bodine

 “I thought that we should have had more time with the teachers and sit with them to be able to learn more things about how they teach and what we would learn if we picked that class.”

                                                                                                                   Tre` Scherer

“The Career Center was a well arranged tour. It was really interesting to see all the different classes that you could take, and see the practical uses. The only complaint I have is that they didn’t tell you very well how to go there for high school classes.”

                                                                                                                     Parker Gunderson

“When I went to the Career Center it was a fun trip, when I’m in high school I’m going to try and take one of the classes. It had a nice daycare in it where it would be helpful for future parents. The tour guide was nice and showed us a lot of stuff about the place.”

                                                                                                                    Greg Mims

 “I thought the Career Center was fun. Why, because there was a lot of hands on classes that looked fun. Another reason was because I got to walk around. My last reason it because I learned things that were interesting
                                                                                                                    Caleob Bixby

“We also went on a tour to the Career Center. That was also a great experience. I've never been there before and there were many classes that interest me. I like the photography class the best because I love things that have to do with art. It was a very big and nice place”

                                                                                                                    Aspen Livingston

What I thought of the tour. Tour was nice. I also saw guys I know in the art class. The kids there seemed younger than I expected that is what I thought of the career center.

                                                                                                                   Gage Morast

“The Career Center was pretty cool, my big brother used to go there for some classes so I remembered hearing about it. When we got there it looked way different from how I thought it would. Some of the ceiling concrete looked like carpet. The teachers seemed a little gruffer there, but still seemed nice enough. They had some classes I had never heard of before. The Career Center seems like a very helpful utility for high school.”

                                                                                                                  Michael Durand

“The Career Center was cool because they have so many cool things. One really cool thing was making your own skateboard. Building or messing with engines looks fun. One of the coolest things was the preschool. The wiring seemed cool, too.

                                                                                                                   Chance Schreier

 “I also went to the Career Center. I like a lot of the classes there, one of my favorites is the photography class. I like to take pictures and I think I want to take it when I get into high school. I also liked the engineer class because my aunt is an engineer, and it was cool to see what she might do. I hope I can take as many classes as I can in high school.”

                                                                                                                   Emma Graves

“The Career Center tour was really cool, but boring to a point. It was very interesting because of the electives you could take, also because of the 3D printers. It was boring at parts because we had a boring tour guide. Overall, this was not as fun as the college tour, but was still fun.”

                                                                                                                   Ian Leatherberry

“I thought the Career Center was interesting. Also, it was super fun looking at the different classes you can take. The Career Center made me think of classes I may take. I thought it was fun to see what you might do if you went there. There were a lot of cool classes that looked fun.”

                                                                                                                  April Zimmerman

 “I thought the Career Center was the most fun because of all the different classes it had that I liked. It had photography and art classes I would like to do when I am in high school. Also, our tour guide was awesome! He was the automotives teacher and was 6’7”! Yeah, so that’s why the Career Center was fun. Oh yeah, also I loved the smell of the automotive lab/garage.”

                                                                                                                  Mariah Anderson

“I liked the Career Center because of the hands on actives and meeting people. The Career Center should have talked more about other class. Also, have kids that talk about their experiences there. Also, it was not easy to move around with more kids in the group. I liked it.”

                                                                                                                   Talya McCallum

“The Career Center tour. I learned a ton from this tour. One thing was that they use real x-rays stuff. I thought the computer stuff was cool. Like the computer stuff.”

                                                                                                                     Aaron Bomar

I liked the career center because it had a welding station. I also liked that you get to make your own skateboard. I liked Mr. Andersons class because you get to make cool things. I want to take biomedical class. The teacher is cool and it looks fun.”

                                                                                                                     Cameron Stone

“What I thought of the Career Center tour was that it was fun. I thought some of the classes sounded cool, except the fact that they only had 2 minutes to talk about their class and it got a little confusing. You should make the tours longer and explain more.”

                                                                                                                       Sami Fryett

 “I thought the Career Center was really cool. I even thought about going there full time as a sophomore to senior. I found classes I was extremely interested in.”

                                                                                                                       Alexa Winchell

“The Career Center wasn’t very exciting; the only think I liked was the html coding class. Everything else was alright; it wasn’t as fast paced as the college which I liked.”

                                                                                                                        Darion Fontaine

“The Career Center was a little better, but it had the same problem with the guy doing the tour. It looked awesome so I’m going there, but the tour guy didn’t explain much.”

                                                                                                                        Owen Brookshire

“The Career Center was really interesting. It would have been better if we could have stayed longer because some of it went by really fast. I liked the welding and automotive the most.”

                                                                                                                         Patrick O’Donnell

“I liked the Career Center tour. I saw a cool photography class I want to take. One thing I wish they would improve is seeing more of the building. Not just an hour tour, but maybe two or two and half hours. I know there is way more to see. Overall, I like the tour and would like to go there.”

                                                                                                                         Delaney Watson

“I like the Career Center tour. Our tour guide made it fun. I like technology and the Career Center had a lot of it. I want to go there.”

                                                                                                                         Elijah Slaughter

“I think the career center was interesting. They showed many opportunists for future class. It could help determine your future job. I really enjoyed looking at the graphic designing and the automobile program. I would like to go there in the future.”

                                                                                                                          Max Sheehan

 “I thought the tour of the Career Center was amazing. We got to go inside classrooms. We go to meet the teachers and they explained a lot about the class. They were very nice. I liked how the tour went we got to learn more about how the classes worked.”

                                                                                                                           Emmy Hart

“I really liked the Career Center tour! I thought it was good to see where some of us will be in just a couple of years. I can’t wait to learn their courses. They have great rooms to learn in and hangout in. They also described some projects I can’t wait to learn and try perfecting at and how they have fun while doing it.”

                                                                                                                           Kayla Smith

 “The Career Center was one of the better tours I went on. I would have liked to hear more about the automotive part and welding. But other than that I really liked it.”

                                                                                                                           Tyler Shull

“When I was at the Career Center I learned about the medical class that is very hands on, and you learn about different diseases. I also learned about the preschool where you get to watch little kids for a few days. They also have a computers art class where you learn about web design. Welding classes are available along with a car class where you get to work with engines.”

                                                                                                                            Miranda Iverson

 “When I went to the Career Center I liked all of the different choices they had. It’s a very nice, educational place. The thing I liked the most was the preschool and the automotive room.”

                                                                                                                            Mikkel Grossman

“I am definitely going to the Career Center during high school, great opportunities. You can help teach preschoolers, work in the automotive, and wood working. I loved the tour. You can design your own skateboards, websites, and even your own manufactured product. I am going to the Career Center.”

                                                                                                                          Clayton Scott

“At the Career Center we saw where I went to preschool. We also saw a really cool welder’s class, along with an engineering class, it was fun.”

                                                                                                                         Annie Gar

“I liked the Career Center because I got to see what the welding center was like. I would like to be a welder, the Career Center was big.”

                                                                                                                        Tyler Salveson

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