Student Assistance Foundation Presentation Data

Student Presentation

List 5 things you learned today from the Student Assistance Foundation Presentation.

Parker Gunderson
1.       You can take a free college tour any time.
2.       Hard classes look good on applications.
3.       You can take virtual tours.
4.       Colleges usually have video tours.
5.       High schools can give you scholarships.

Stephanie Powell
1.       There are different types of colleges.
2.       Some colleges have different requirements.
3.       You can also get a certificate other than getting a degree.
4.       There is a college for everything.
5.       Montana doesn’t have to have 2 years of foreign language.

Matthew Delgadillo
1.       There are five colleges.
2.       1 year of Spanish is needed.
3.       There’s grant and loans for people that need it.
4.       We got stickers.
5.       Most of those people work in Helena.

Owen Brookshire
1.       That college is harder than I thought.
2.       There are a lot of opportunities.
3.       You have to try in college.
4.       You can’t slack in high school.
5.       They want to see progress.

Darion Fontaine
1.       Learned that they make wristbands for school.
2.       That they have websites for school help.
3.       That they want kids to go to college badly.
4.       Six different colleges in Billings.
5.       Beauty schools in Billings.

Andreea Creech
1.       There are a lot of opportunities.
2.       You should take all the math and English you can.
3.       They look at your freshman grades.
4.       They look at your senior grades.
5.       They want to see progress.

Caleob Bixby
1.       A lot of colleges you can choose.
2.       That a lot of colleges need 2 years of foreign language.
3.       Some colleges need different requirements
4.       Look at grades
5.       See progress

Greg Mims
1.       That there are six types of collages
2.       You can get free tours of MSUB.
3.       You can get internet tours.
4.       You have to have two years of foreign
5.       You have to have bachelors before master degree.

Tre’ Scheree
1.       College is fun so many choices.
2.       All the information is on the college website.
3.       We got stickers!!!
4.       We should start touring colleges now.
5.       Learn more about colleges now so can make the choice later on.

Sami Fryette
1.       There are different types of colleges.
2.       There are only a few people who work for student loans.
3.       It’s better to start looking for what you want earlier than later.
4.       There are different types of degrees.
5.       Montana doesn’t need 2 years of foreign language.

Alexa Winchell
1.       A lot of opportunities
2.       There are many colleges to choose from
3.       Take all math and English as you can.
4.       They want to see progress.
5.       They look at your grades.

Patrick O’Donnell
1.       There are six different colleges.
2.       You have to have a bachelor’s degree before master’s degree.
3.       You have to have 2 years of foreign language
4.       Have to have 2 years of foreign language to get in college.
5.       Can have a tour anytime as long as you call and schedule.

Delaney Watson
1.       I learned that there are different types of degrees to earn.
2.       That there are different types of colleges to go to.
3.       You could get scholarships to colleges except private.
4.       You can be in college at any age.
5.       You don’t have to go to college right after high school.

Michael Wilks
1.       Some colleges require 2 years foreign language.
2.       Some schools have freshman dorms.
3.       6 different types of colleges.

Elijah Slaughter
1.       I learned that if I want to go to college I need to do well in school freshman through senior.
2.       I learned about
3.       Also, I learned that if you do bad freshman and sophomore year you can improve your grades and still get into college.
4.       I learned that there are multiple websites that allow you to virtually tour colleges.

Talya Mccallum
1.       There are private colleges.
2.       The levels of education degrees.
3.       Financial aid
4.       What Montana colleges require
5.       The public colleges are funded by government private colleges are not.

Mariah Anderson
1.       If you want to be a doctor you have to go to school from 6-10 years.
2.       For some jobs you only need 6 months of college.
3.       Any classes/courses after high school are considered college.
4.       You don’t have to go to college right after high school.
5.       The classes you take in high school can effect what you want to be when your older.

Aaron Bomer
1.       She said that we have to think about the feature.
2.       Learned about trading school.
3.       Learned that there loss of different school

Cameron Stone
1.       You can go to college for   12 years.
2.       Less people in private colleges.
3.       6 types of degrees.
4.       You can go to colleges at your house online.
5.       Better paying jobs.

Corbin Bodine
1.       She told us the many different colleges after high school.
2.       MTCIS was a good resource that she suggests.
3.       There are three different degree’s in college, bachelor’s , master’s , and doctor
4.       There are many programs that can help you with college
5.       Middle school  ,8th grade, is the best time to think of college and your future

Aspen Livingston
1.       The more classes you take the more credits you get.
2.       You have to take 10 years of collage to get a doctorates degree.
3.       Going into the military or the army pays a lot.
4.       It’s best to go to college to get a better job.
5.       Push yourself

Max Sheehan
1.       I learned you don’t  have to immediately go to college after high school , you can wait till after
2.       There are degrees like, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor these will help you get a job in the future.
3.       You can have up to 8 years of colleges.
4.       There are private and public collages
5.       If you are a truck driver you must get a special permit

April Zimmerman

1.       You can win scholarships that help pay for college.
2.       The more classes you take in high school the more classes you don’t have to take in college
3.       There are many different kinds of degreases you can get.
4.       The more years you spend in college the higher degrees you can get.
5.       All high school grades are recorded and important for a college to pick you.

Chance Schreer
1.       In private colleges there are a lot less people.
2.       College jobs pay more than no college jobs.
3.       You can go to college for up to 12 years.
4.       College pays
5.       Two year schools can pay more than a 4 year school.

Emma Graves
1.       I learned there are a lot of websites that can help us prepare for college and graduating.
2.       There are different types of colleges and degrees.
3.       Community and private colleges are not much different in expense.
4.       It’s good to take honors classes because in senior year they put it into college classes and you need to pay for as much as you can for college classes.
5.       Sometimes the more time you spend in college the more money you make.

Gage Morast
1.       Some colleges only allow you to go there for a certain amount of years.
2.       If you trade schools the credits don’t transfer.
3.       Military can pay for college.
4.       Small colleges are more diverse.
5.       You don’t have to be rich to go to college.

Michael Durand
1.       Private colleges don’t always cost more.
2.       1 year degrees are best if you just want to get out of there.
3.       You don’t have to declare a major early.
4.       Try to get higher classes in high school.
5.       Harder classes help in your college life.

Stephen Stogianis
1.       10 years doctorial
2.       Trade school 2 years.
3.       Take harder classes.
4.       Focus on your interests.
5.        Associates, masters, and bachelors degree

Emmy Hart
1.       College is more helpful than we think.
2.       People can help you pay for college.
3.       There is a website that helps you understand college.
4.       There are degrees you can get without going to college for a year.
5.       Twelve years for a doctorial.

Rachel Mehling
1.       People will help you pay for college.
2.       There is a website that will help you find all about your college preference.
3.       College is very important.
4.       You will learn more about college in your freshman year of high school.
5.       There is more than one type of degree you can go to school for.

Ethan Ruff
1.       It doesn’t matter if it’s a private or public school, you will learn the same.
2.       Eight week to a year certificate.
3.       Ten to twelve years for a doctorial degree.
4.       Four year bachelor degree.
5.       Graduation is more money.

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