City College Tour Student Comments

“I liked the City College because I would like to get a degree in the medical field. One reason I want to go into the medical field is so I can help and support people in need. Another reason I want to go into the medical field is so I can learn how to treat all kinds of disease. Another reason I want to go into the medical field is so I can find a cure for all cancer. In conclusion I would like to go see more of the medical teams at the City College.”

                                                                                                                        Ethan Ruff

“My thoughts on the tour of the City College are that it was kind of boring. It was kind of boring because nothing really interested me. Maybe if I would have conge to the other college I would have been more interested. But I liked what the college had to offer, it just wasn’t anything I was interested in. That’s my thoughts on the City College.”

                                                                                                                        Rachel Mehling

“There were many things I thought of the college field trip. First of all I thought it was interesting and that all the engineer classes, drafting, and mechanical classes is what I want to do. Also I thought that it was pretty hard to understand some classes that were more advanced or was talked about briefly. Lastly, I thought that college was a pretty cool place for me to go and learn new things. These were some of the thoughts I had about the college field trip.”
                                                                                                                         Corbin Bodine

“What I thought of the City College tour. One of the buildings we went into had a huge fan and it was cool. The mechanics stuff looked really complicated when they were writing down the plans and layout. The medical room had a bunch of dummies which I didn’t expect, overall it was ok.”

                                                                                                                         Gage Morast

“The College tours were very fun because of all the things to do and see. I did wish that the colleges had courses like criminology but they didn’t. The teachers at the college seemed very nice and that they wanted to help. The college itself looked very cool, like a real hospital in some places. I think between the two I will go to the City College.”

                                                                                                                          Michael Durand

“Recently I went to the City College. It was a lot bigger than Lewis and Clark, and when we went around on the tour I realized why. They had a lot of very interesting classes we could take if we went there after graduation. One of my favorites was the room with machines where you could learn how to help them as if they were real people. I liked that class because some day I want to become a doctor.”

                                                                                                                          Emma Graves

“I went to the City College, the tour was good. I learned a lot from the tour. I was interested the computer science. Some parts were boring”

                                                                                                                        Aaron bomar

“The college tour was interesting. It was interesting because it had a whole area. I thought it was cool because there was a real piece of the twin towers. That is why I like the City College.”

                                                                                                                        Cameron Stone

“I went to the City College and I was disappointed because they didn’t show us anything about computer programming. It was also very fast paced, not much time to look at anything. Overall it was okay, but I didn’t get to see anything I was interested in, but oh well.”

                                                                                                                        Darion Fontaine
“The City College was boring. It needs to be more interesting. The guy didn’t have much emotion and explained things like he didn’t care. The place looked fun but the guy made it sound boring. Overall, if a student took us around it would have been better.”

                                                                                                                        Owen Brookshire

“The City College was kind of boring because last year in 7th we did that Lewis and Clark thing with the buffalo and it was all the same. Nothing really changed. The only interesting thing was the hospital place.”

                                                                                                                        Patrick O’Donnell

“The City College was very boring; all you did was walk around not doing anything. I guess you looked at things but other than that it was nice to leave school.”

                                                                                                                        Jakob Staudemaier

“I also went to the City College. They had a nursing class where you get to take care of dummies of all different ages. They also have a CPR and vitals class when you get to bring the dummies back to like with CPR, and practice if you were in an ambulance.”           

                                                                                                                        Miranda Iverson

“The City College is a great school, a lot of opportunities, chances, and capability. Their classes were outstanding; I would love to go to college there. They had health departments, technology, and engineering departments.”

                                                                                                                        Clayton Scott 
“At the City College we got to see many cool things. We saw many different classes to choose from, such as, nurses, engineers, detailing, computer programming, ect. It was a lot of fun.”

                                                                                                                        Annie Gar

“I liked the City College because it was hands on. I really liked the medical labs because that’s what I’m interested in. The college has a wide range of classes you can take which is good.”

                                                                                                                        Mikkel Grossman

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